In-Person Worship Starts May 9 — Here’s What You Need to Know

St. David’s on-the-Hill has been granted approval by the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island to reopen for in-person worship beginning Sunday, May 9, 2021, following guidelines set by the Diocese and the Rhode Island Department of Health.

Here’s what you need to know:

What time will the service begin?

Sunday’s service will start at 9 a.m. and will include Eucharist for those who wish to receive it.

How do I sign up?

Call the office at (401) 942-4368 or email Kathy at by Thursday, May 6 to reserve seats.

What COVID-19 restrictions are in place?

Indoor seating is restricted to only those who sign up to attend the service, using the designated entrances and exits.

Masks are required during your time inside the church, and ushers will assist you with seating in accordance with social distancing guidelines. Family members may sit together.

All attendees are required to sign in each time they visit the church for the purposes of contact tracing.

Please do not come to church if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or any other illness.

Hand sanitizer will be used when entering the church and approaching the altar for the Eucharist.

What changes will there be to the service?

  • Singing: We will not be singing as a congregation yet.
  • Sign of Peace: Please share the peace without physical contact. Check out this video by The Plural Guild for one idea.
  • Eucharist: Wafers only will be offered.
  • Contributions: The offering plate will be located at the back of the sanctuary.
  • Coffee Hour: We will not be holding Coffee Hour at this time.

How can I watch the service online?

Sunday’s service will be shown live on the church YouTube channel starting at 9 a.m. and will be available on demand after its conclusion.

What if I have other questions?

Please refer to Senior Warden Linda Guest’s letter to the parish linked below for more information, or contact the church office.

Reopening letter from Senior Warden Linda Guest