
Stewardship 2021

To make online donations to St. David’s, please click here or email the church.


Week 5:

Week 4:

Week 3:

Week 2:

Week 1:


Stewardship 2021: The 5G Plan

5G is a new kind of Stewardship campaign designed to connect the St. David’s parish “network” together spiritually and virtually with one another.

We have started a new year. We are going forward into a new world, each of us forever changed by a global pandemic. We need to rebuild our church community, reinventing and redesigning some of what we do in order to be relevant and sustainable.

If you are here, we hope that you are committed to the future of our church, and in for the long haul.

What are the “5Gs” in the St. David’s on-the-Hill 5G Network?
  • Gratitude
  • God’s Grace  
  • Gifts
  • Growth
  • Gathering

Please watch the YouTube videos above for more information on this year’s Stewardship campaign, and contact Jen and Don Cowart if you have any questions: 1 Carriage Road, Cranston, R.I. 02920; email:

Thank you for supporting St. David’s on-the-Hill!