Celebrate Christmas with St. David’s on-the-Hill

Thank you for joining St. David’s on-the-Hill as we celebrate Christmas 2020!

On this page, you’ll find information about upcoming services, as well as videos of Christmas stories appropriate for all ages.

Let us gather virtually in prayer during this time, in gratitude for God’s blessings and in celebration of Christ’s coming.

From The Rev. Jennifer Kezirian West, Interim Rector:

Christmas 2020 is reminding me of a patchwork quilt and this is bringing some comfort. In American culture, a patchwork quilt often symbolizes family, creativity, tradition, and heritage. Many, handmade from scraps of cloth, become cherished heirlooms.

To prepare for our Christmas Eve Service, please gather a piece of bread, a sip of beverage, and a candle. As with some of our Advent services, we will again share an agape meal where the “elements” are blessed and consumed at the same time. While this won’t be a Eucharist where the bread and wine are consecrated, the sharing of an agape meal does allow us to connect on a deeper spiritual level.

Christ will still be born among us in a manger covered by a patchwork quilt of awe and glory.

Advent Blessings, Mother Jennifer

Christmas Eve Services:

5 p.m.: Virtual Christmas Eve Service with Agape Meal. Available on the St. David’s Videos page, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.

7 p.m.: Diocesan Christmas Eve Service. Available at episcopalri.org via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96787691431

8 p.m.: Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist at the National Cathedral. Available at cathedral.org

Christmas story readings: