Survey Open for 2020-21 Sunday School Year

Hello friends and family of St David’s!

I hope everyone is well and adjusting to your new back-to-school schedules, as odd and challenging as they may be.

I realize how busy everyone is, but we would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this very quick survey about getting back to Sunday School:

*Please note: Your responses to this survey are completely anonymous.  If you have more than 1 child in our program then please complete a separate survey for each child so we can collect all responses and format our curriculum appropriately by age/grade.

Please complete this survey no later than Oct. 1.

Once we have had a chance to review all of the survey responses, the Sunday School leadership team will be meeting with the church leadership team to discuss next steps & plans for our 2020-2021 program.

As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions.


Thank you & God bless!


Christina, Michael, and Dan

St. David’s on-the-Hill Sunday School